The arcane teaches us to see the invisible world around us.
Seekers before us left us with a wealth of knowledge about methods for understanding the forces that shape our lives. Elements, planets, polarities arranged in correspondence tables and diagrams and lenghty texts. All to help us see.

Divisions of a Zodiac sign into three 10 degree sections. Each Decan is associated with its own planetary ruler, and is said to have its own unique characteristics and influences.

The best way of learning about the 36 Decans is by following their progression throughout the year. Subscribe to our free newsletter to receive a message every 10 days describing the current Decan and its characteristics.

Collection of designs exploring mathematical principles to help you visualize and internalize higher-dimensional aspects of reality into your daily life.

A diagram of human existence — a roadmap of mind, body and spirit and how they relate. The Tree represents a series of 10 divine emanations and how they interact to create our reality.

GPTarot is a unique interpretation of all known Tarot decks created by guiding ChatGPT and DALL-E 3 toward an accurate and representative original Tarot.

Modern interpretation of the traditional Egyptian Tarot using ChatGPT and DALL-E 3 for creating unique designs based on descriptions of archetypes by Ra.
Each collection explores a different arcane principle. Using dense information design and thorough revisions, we do our best at translating the often subtle and somtimes complex topics of the occult. Learn from those who came before us and create your own path.